You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.3. FILE Menu: Master File Maintenance > Docket Book Update Master File

File - Docket Book Update

Use this option to maintain the Docket Book Update master file. This master file is provided so that field sales and service people can have their docket books logged and tracked against subsequent invoices. During invoicing, their docket book number, issued to the customer on site, can be entered as the Micronet invoice number to ensure auditability.


Technical Tip

  • You can only manually assign docket numbers during order entry if the Override Invoice Numbers field on the Invoicing Configuration screen has been set to Yes (refer to "Edit - Program - Invoicing".
  • During order entry, the docket number can then be entered in the Invoice Number field on the Invoice Header screen (refer to "Maintaining the Invoice Header (v2.7)".